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The Coronavirus and its Implications on the Economy, Peace and Security of Nigeria.

Francis, Kenneth Olusanmi, Kwede, Cornelius Ishaya,


The outbreak of coronavirus, later christened COVID-19 and declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization has spread across the globe, weakening and killing infected persons. As a result, many countries across the world has imposed travel restrictions, order self- isolations and closed public places and institutions, except for medicals and other essential service providers thus leaving both private and public businesses to their fate with the attendant consequences. Clearly, the restrictions have badly affected the global economy as well as that of Nigeria, as prices of commodities and most human essentials keep surging while production has drastically reduced. Human security, peace and mutual co-existence are also threatened. This paper examines the implications of the Coronavirus pandemic on the economy, peace and security of Nigeria. The study adopted a qualitative method relying solely on the secondary sources of data with the linkage theory as a framework of analysis. It discovered that COVID-19 is not only a deadly and highly infectious disease, but one that is capable of grounding the economy, eliminating the entire population of the country and the world at large if urgent attention is not given to it. It recommends the encouragement and observation of individual and collective hygiene at all levels in the country, release of funds by government, NGOs and other humanitarian organizations for research aimed at the development of vaccines to combat the pandemic, legislations for regular air and land fumigations of communities by all levels of government among others. The paper concludes that every conscious effort should be made to address the negative economic effects of the pandemic by government in order to arrest the attendant problem of insecurity and distortion of peace in the country. Keywords: COVID-19, Economy, Insecurity, Pandemic, Peace and Security..

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